Published On: Wed, Sep 6th, 2017

Bespoke pricing tool for the Korniche lantern

Hot on the heels of the recent launch of the Korniche Aluminium Roof Lantern website, Made for Trade are preparing to roll out KwikQuote – a new bespoke pricing tool for the Korniche Roof Lantern. Accessed through a dedicated Trade Log In facility on the Korniche Website the KwikQuote pricing tool will be available primarily to trade business and trade counter based companies and as KwikQuote is an online system, it can be accessed on Desktop, Laptops, even mobile phones and tablets. Bradley Gaunt, Managing Director at MFT says “The KwikQUOTE system will provide our trade partners access to a simple, easy to use pricing tool allowing bespoke product costings including glass and delivery options in an instant.” KwikQuote’s interface can be tailored to specific client needs by adding logos, contacts, inputting discount and mark up levels so the printable page can be given direct to the end customer at the counter. This ability to generate detailed quotes quickly and with confidence completely removes any potential cooling off period where in the past there has been a wait for a price/design confirmation. Completing a lantern sale has never been easier!

Korniche is a bespoke product with many different layouts possible and the Kwikquote software has been designed with usability to complement it. The intuitive system allows the user to add or change configurations and dimensions whilst seeing a real-time wireframe drawing of the quoted lantern on the screen, this visualisation helps the client understand how the final layout of the lantern will look. Once a design has been chosen, the positioning of the spas is checked by the system and any errors are flagged up so the design can be fine tuned to ensure all potential orders can be physically produced.  Once the required design is complete the software then stores records within each account for future reference and allows the user to print out quotes for client approval/sign off as well as for their own records.

If you’re interested in knowing more about KwikQuote or would like a product demonstration then contact Made for Trade at  KwikQuote is another example of how Made for Trade continually innovate to best service customer’s needs. Investment in product development, logistics systems, new vehicles and revamps to both the Korniche product website and the main Made for Trade website  ensure that Made for Trade remain your premier Trade Partner.