National Fenestration Awards moves into next phase
Users Pass 600 As Awards Move Into New Phase
With the regular unveiling of weekly categories and the Top 30 People’s awards now finally complete, it marks a significant step in this second year of the National Fenestration Awards.
Consider this as an evolutionary step, or rather the ending of one phase and movement on to a new one. With all nominate-able categories and side competitions now live, the effort now begins to pull in as many nominations as possible, and to also unveil an event in which to announce and crown the overall winners at the end of the year. Something which we’ll be able to talk more about a little bit later on in the year.
But as the year continues headlong into the summer, the amount of interaction with the NFAs already points to a very positive start. Indeed, the number of nominations received so far already surpasses the total amount last year, which is clearly great news. We are still receiving new registrations on a daily basis. We have set ourselves a loose target of reaching 1000 genuine registered users by the time the nominating phase ends in September. Lets see how we get on with that! The Cool Wall continues to be a popular feature within the NFA framework, with fantastic examples of work being uploaded and voted on. So now it’s just getting the Top 30 People’s awards alive and kicking and that would be very much the cherry on the cake right now. If anyone still doubts these awards and the growing impact they have, and will continue to have in our industry, the fact that they are the UK’s fastest growing independent fenestration awards should put paid to that.
Why Take Part?
I’m sure this is a question many of you still have. And it’s a legitimate one. Why should you take time out of valuable day to take part in something new like this? Well we can’t force you, but we can give you some reasons to get stuck in!
- Inclusivity. We created the NFAs to be one of the most all-inclusive awards for our industry. We saw that certain sectors were dominating the more established events, with other areas of our industry seemingly going unnoticed despite all their hard work, innovation and creativity. The NFAs are the industry’s most inclusive awards event, covering 13 sub-sectors of this diverse and energetic industry. So if you believe that your area of the sector has gone unnoticed, this is your chance to make your mark.
- Unbiased, fair and honest. Three of our main core principles that lie behind the success of these awards so far. We are the very first awards of our kind in this industry where everything is decided by those who input into it. That means all nominations, shortlists and eventual winners are created and decided by people taking part. Surely the most genuine way to award a truly deserving person or company?
- Free. We all like a freebie don’t we? We want to make the awards as accessible as possible. So other than a very simple registration process, taking part in the National Fenestration Awards is completely free. Even the Cool Wall and Top 30 People’s awards are registration-free. The NFAs presents the industry with the easiest way to nominate people and businesses to be recognized for the hard work they do.
Always Independent
Speak to most people about the National Fenestration Awards, and they will tell you that they love the idea of the awards because it’s independent. Because the whole industry can get involved at every level and help decide the overall winner. And it is those ethics and standards which are the foundations on which the NFAs are built.
We aim to reward as much of the industry as possible with as much participation from the industry as possible.
You can find out more about the National Fenestration Awards on our website:, follow us on Twitter on @NatFenAwards for all the latest up to date news or email us on to speak to one of the team.
Thanks to all those who have supported us so far, and we look forward to welcoming all newcomers as well!