Investments in staff, machinery and vehicles at Crystal Direct
Crystal Direct has invested in new staff, machinery and delivery vehicles to meet demand for growing sales.
The No.1 trade fabricator for choice and colour has seen a surge in interest from fabricators who have decided to stop fabricating and concentrate on selling and installing. To make sure Crystal maintains high levels of quality and short lead times, the company has invested in new machinery to increase output and productivity. Crystal has also expanded its fleet of delivery vehicles and recruited new full-time factory operators, sales and admin staff.
Chairman Martin Randall says: “Our investment in new staff, machinery and vehicles helps us guarantee the best quality products with short lead times and great service.
“2014 has been very busy so far and we’ve had a lot of enquiries from fabricators who want to start buying-in. Crystal has helped a number of fabricators successfully make the move to selling and installing. If you’re a fabricator thinking about exiting fabricating call Crystal today on 01462 489 900 to see how we can help you make a smooth and painless transition.”
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