Now is the time for positivity, sound choices and actions says Elumatec

There is no credibility in glossing over the damage that Covid-19 has done to manufacturing. Few industries have escaped, incomes have taken a tumble and soul-searching has become a national pastime. This virus may be around for some time and we need to develop resilience to it and its impact as soon as possible.
We can start by seeing this not as a disaster but rather as a challenge to be overcome. How big a challenge depends on many factors, not least the state of the operation before the virus hit. No doubt some will find recovery a bigger mountain to climb than others. Many operations which appeared sound just a few weeks before the pandemic was declared have been thrown into disarray. Others have stalled, wondering when to restart their production and at what levels. Yes, there are problems, but we shouldn’t ignore the opportunities − and they are out there. This could be an ideal time for a fundamental reappraisal of an organisation’s structure and ambitions.
This crisis has exposed the perilous financial state of many companies that were household names, and many individuals and families are indeed struggling, but it’s still important to look at the bigger picture and remember a key fact: before this virus hit, the economy was healthy. It can be in that state again and probably far sooner than many commentators predict.
Unlike a slow decline in economic activity which chips away at prosperity and erodes confidence across the board, this crisis arrived when things were on the up. What’s more, the impact has hit different sectors in different ways and certain industries have never been busier. With more time on their hands, furloughed workers are spending more on home improvements. The housing market is healthy. Online sales are through the roof. What’s more, because this was a crisis that demanded drastic action, support has been put in place which will protect livelihoods, jobs and future prosperity. It’s not perfect, but it’s there, maintaining, as far as it can, foundations on which to rebuild.
Talk to people from all walks of life, and the doom-laden voices are almost drowned out by deep reserves of optimism. There’s a burning desire to return to a positive pre-Covid state and that desire will drive recovery. But there’s an important caveat: recovery will be difficult if we’re too tentative about cracking on. This isn’t to say that this is a time for throwing caution to the wind and taking bold leaps into the unknown, but rather that we will be best served by blending positivity with sound choices and actions.
One of the qualities valued in times of crisis is a safe pair of hands. When levels of uncertainty are high, it makes perfect sense to eliminate some of the unknowns. That’s why we see people making
investment decisions based on long-term quality rather than knee-jerk choices made based on a tempting headline offer. It’s why they revert to dealing with people they can trust, rather than falling for false promises, smoke and mirrors.
At elumatec, we’ve kept our heads throughout this pandemic, and we’re going to keep on doing that because it’s in our DNA. Our approach is simple: stand firm, do our job, support our customers, now and in the future − virus or no virus. We’ve got the people and the systems in place to support that. We’ve got a reputation for competence that few can match, and our engineering proves its value year after year. If you’re firing up your production lines, building up again, wanting to improve efficiency and precision, we’re here to support you. If you’re thinking of a bigger shake-up of your processes, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better team to help.
At the height of the crisis, one of the key messages on social media was #staysafe. Let’s take a quick look at that concept. Its tone is cautious, but the words also imply longevity: stay safe over the long- term. You do that by choosing partners who are ready to stand right by your side, whatever your ambitions and whatever is happening in the world.