They say a picture says a thousand words
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and you couldn’t be any nearer the truth when you study the images of the 2014 RIBA Manser Medal shortlisted entries. Six homes are in the running for the UK’s most prestigious housing design award from The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). RIBA President, Stephen Hodder said: “With each of the projects, the architects have added real value to the homeowner’s happiness and wellbeing. The originality, ingenuity and innovation on show in this shortlist should be an inspiration for anyone planning to build or make improvements to their own home. I encourage the UK’s volume house builders to look at the shortlisted schemes – we all deserve to live in homes that comfort and delight us.” What is very pleasing for the fenestration sector is the dominance of windows and doors in all six projects. They all beautifully illustrate how windows and doors can transform any home. Such elegant transformations serve not only to reinforce the growing maturity of our sector, but they also encourage homeowners in accepting that windows and doors, comprise the leading improvement to their property – an improvement that can add real value to the homeowner’s happiness and wellbeing.
As we all return from the traditional quiet month of August, the publicity that has surrounded the Manser Medal will hopefully further inspire homeowners to continue to improve their homes. Early indications this month from fabricators and installers point to an encouraging final quarter of 2014. The innovation our sector provides will surely continue to fire the imagination of Britain’s home improvers.
John Cowie – Editor