Play by the rules and we have a future
As estate agents and show homes receive the green light to open for business, our own industry has now received clarification installers can now return to work in people’s homes. The coronavirus may be with us for years, but we simply must get back to work. In fact, a return to work will probably be safer that a trip to the super market. On various online industry forums a common point of view is that how can we return to a customers home but not to our parents homes? There is a simple explanation for this. In society away from the workplace, we are governed by our own set of rules. While at work we have to adhere to the rules and terms of our employment, break them and you won’t have a job. Over the last few months it is clear people are unable to govern themselves, gathering in parks, not social distancing in supermarkets, the list is endless.
Government and various trade bodies have now issued strict guidelines for working in people’s homes. Stick to these and we will have our industry back. It is the responsibility of everyone in the supply chain to reiterate and constantly remind the installation element of our industry of the rules and requirements of staying safe. Hopefully homeowners will hopefully start insisting on safe working procedures – maybe after reading articles like the one pictured. As an industry we all have a duty to play by the rules.