An association for the rooflighting industry
The National Association of Rooflight Manufacturers is an independent resource for rooflighting suppliers, installers and specifiers

NARM, the UK’s National Association of Rooflight Manufacturers represents manufacturers and suppliers of all types of rooflights into the market. Its purpose is to identify and promote best practice in rooflight specification, installation, maintenance and safety. ‘Rooflights’ include: in-plane profiled rooflights, continuous barrel vaults, modular domes and pyramids, panel glazing systems and architectural glazing systems for skylights, lantern lights and atria. The Association undertakes a number of roles:
Sharing impartial, up-to-date rooflighting information – Over the 20 years or so since NARM was formed, their Technical Committee has played a pivotal role in establishing the effects of rooflighting on building performance and in the development of rooflight standards which protect the UK industry from potentially poorly performing products. Recognised as the UK’s leading independent and impartial authority on rooflighting, the committee comprises a team of leading experts, each having been selected from within NARM’s member companies to represent the association on technical matters. This group meets on a regular basis to share information and discuss matters relating to rooflight design, performance, safety, standards and legislation. They are responsible for producing NARM’s respected Technical Documents which are freely available via this website, in the interests of promoting best practice in all aspects of rooflighting.
Commissioning, analysing and utilising research – NARM commissions independent research through academic bodies, to enable greater understanding of the role that daylight can play in improving building performance. For example, research commissioned by NARM and carried out by the De Montfort University’s Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, showed that minimal losses in thermal insulation are greatly offset by energy savings resulting from reduced demand for electric lighting and that generally speaking, the greater the rooflight area the greater the potential savings. Further studies commissioned by NARM have highlighted means by which solar overheating in buildings can be controlled, and the potential for greater energy savings through the integration of automatically controlled electric lighting, with natural daylighting. Significantly, NARM’s Technical Committee has been instrumental in collecting, analysing and interpreting rooflighting data upon which the regulations pertaining to rooflighting in The Building Regulations Approved Document L (Conservation of fuel & power), have been based.
Supporting member companies – and the wider construction industry – NARM provides support to member companies and other trade associations, in respect of technical, legislative and roof safety issues.The Association has representation on both British and European Standards Committees and as such we play a leading role in the drafting and revision of product standards. As a member organisation of CPA (Construction Products Association) and Eurolux, the European trade association for rooflight manufacturers, NARM shares vital knowledge and resources across the wider construction industry. NARM members also play active roles in other trade associations, including NFRC (National Federation of Roofing Contractors), SPRA (Single Ply Roofing Association) and MCRMA (Metal Cladding & Roofing Manufacturers Association). NARM’s collaboration with the ACR (Advisory Committee for Roofsafety) has played an important role in defining non-fragility of rooflights, making roofs a much safer place to work in recent years. NARM also provides an independent platform for career development of member individuals through the activities and initiatives of its working groups and sub-committees.
Campaigning for positive change – NARM is active in communicating the need for beneficial changes in construction industry practices – as well as the importance of appropriate and compliant product specification.
As an example, following extensive research into the effect of rooflights on reducing energy consumption and resulting carbon emissions, NARM launched a marketing and editorial campaign to communicate the environmental and cost benefits of greater rooflight areas in many types of building. Today’s broader understanding of daylighting in energy reduction strategies can, to a large extent, be attributed to this work. NARM’s campaigning in respect of roof safety and non-fragility of rooflights, has made a significant contribution to improved product specification and safer on-site working practices. Their work in highlighting the need for correct product specification also plays an important continuing role in reducing the specification of inferior or poorly performing products.
Further information, full access to technical documents, case studies and details of how to become a NARM member can be accessed at: