Published On: Wed, May 15th, 2024

Certass marks four years of unprecedented industry collaboration

The Certass Members Only Forum has emerged as the sole example of industry unity and trusted communication in a sector characterised by its traditional independence. Celebrating its fourth anniversary, the forum continues to stand as a testament to the power of collective resilience and innovation during the most testing of times. 

The Certass TA Forum was conceived in response to the pandemic, establishing a new benchmark for collaboration. At a time when misinformation was rampant, Certass TA stood out by delivering verified and reliable information, becoming the most credible source for industry updates. 

As the pandemic unfolded, Certass TA boldly countered the trend of retreat, freezing membership fees and watering the garden of hope and support among its members. The creation of the COVID pack and active participation in government meetings positioned Certass TA at the forefront of the industry response.  

These efforts have been recognised with awards for Trade Association of the Year and Best Membership Engagement, emphasizing the impact of Certass TA’s commitment to its members and the broader industry. 

“We never gambled with guesswork. We understood the stakes were high – livelihoods and family legacies were on the line. Our guiding principle was, and remains, to seek, verify, and deliver the truth,” says Jon Vanstone, Chairman of Certass and Certass TA.

Danelle Vanstone, Head of Member Engagement, reflects, “Our forum is more than a social platform; it’s a genuine community. A community that’s not afraid to tackle the hard questions steers through uncertainty – for the betterment of all our members.”

Looking forward, Certass TA members forum continues as the source for vital industry dialogue, promoting conversations critical for the growth and long-term endurance of member businesses, particularly those locally owned and family-operated. The Certass TA team extends its deepest gratitude to its members for their ongoing engagement and support. The forum is what it is today because of the collective and combined efforts of the members it serves. 
