Light grey now incorporated into standard line of colours from Apeer

Composite door manufacturer Apeer has proved an astute knowledge of consumer preference by removing light grey from its premium colour range and incorporating it into the standard line. The reason for making the change is simple, as Marketing Manager Linda Tomb explains: “Light grey is proving to be a popular inside door colour choice among our customers, often complementing our darker anthracite grey on the outside. After watching the stock levels for a while and noticing a continuing trend, the decision was made to start supplying pre-foiled units in the shade. Consequently, both our factory and customers benefit; we no longer need to spray the frames, saving time, and they don’t carry an additional paint premium.”
So why is grey so popular? Well, it’s grounding, non-committal and natural, making it an ideal carrier for almost any other colour on the wheel. In narrow hallways, a light coloured door keeps imagined space at a maximum and psychologically, grey suggests an aura of stability or wisdom.
In order to always offer optimum pricing, Apeer plans to analyse its customer colour choices on an ongoing basis; if additional colours take off in the same vein, there is scope for widening their standard line of pre-foiled doors, further.
Managing Director, Asa McGillan firmly believes that grey orders will be on the increase: “Our latest pre-coloured offering is available across the entire Apeer range, including our new fire door, so the magnitude of customers we can reach with this development is huge. Using our Doorbuilder software, people can get an incredibly realistic view of how their door will look.
We’re up to 13 colours in our standard range, so to bring comfort to any superstitious souls, we’ll endeavour to add one more soon!”